FreeCAD 0.20 wurde am 14 Juni 2022 veröffentlicht, es kann von der Download-Seite heruntergeladen werden. Diese Seite listet alle Neuerungen und Änderungen auf.
Ältere FreeCAD-Versionshinweise findet man in der Funktionsliste.
Modell eines 775 Gleichspannungsmotors von Benutzer "jimmihenry", siehe Users Showcase. Das Modell wurde komplett mit den wöchentlichen development snapshots von FreeCAD 0.20 erstellt. Die Bilder für die animierte Grafik wurden mit dem FreeCAD-Makro Bildschirm Wiki erstellt. Die animierte GIF-Grafik selbst wurde unter Verwendung von GIMP erstellt. Für diese Versionshinweise wurde es mit ezgif zugeschnitten und in seiner Größe angepasst.
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Bug/Issue tracker
Die FreeCAD-Fehlerverfolgung ist nach GitHub umgezogen:
Hinweis: Nur Fehlermeldungen, die zuvor im Forum diskutiert wurden, werden berücksichtigt. Fehlermeldungen ohne Diskussion werden geschlossen.
Ein neues Hilfesystem
The help system was rewritten and upgraded to display information directly from our Wiki. The system now relies on the Help Addon. When you first use the Help tool or the What's this? tool you will be asked to install it.
Der Navigationswürfel wurde überarbeitet:
wurde eingeführt. Wenn aktiviert, wird die 3D-Ansicht zur nächstgelegenen logischen Position, basierend auf der aktuellen Ausrichtung des Würfels, gedreht, wenn eine Würfelfläche angeklickt wird. Andernfalls ergibt das Anklicken einer Fläche immer dieselbe Ausrichtung. Um den Unterschied zu verstehen, kann man die gleiche Klicksequenz ausprobieren, die in der Animation gezeigt wird, mit "Drehen zum nächstgelegenen" einmal aktiviert und einmal deaktiviert.
- Wird auf die neue runde Schaltfläche in der rechten oberen Ecke des Würfel geklickt, kann schnell auf die Rückansicht der aktuellen Szene gewechselt werden.
- Die Größe des Würfels kann jetzt mit der Einstellung Würfelgröße angepasst werden.
Forumsdiskussion, Pull request #4502 .
Tooltips now display the command name in the title, making it easier for new users to look for help. At the end of the tooltip the "internal" command name is added in parentheses: (Std_WhatsThis). This is also the name of the page that documents the command in the Wiki. Forum discussion, Pull request #4978 .
The new Std UserEditMode command allows the user to choose an edit mode that will be used when an object is double-clicked in the Tree view. Click the image on the left so see an animation of the selection. If a selected edit mode is not applicable, the object's default edit mode is used instead. Pull request #5110.
The Tree view context menu has the new entry Add dependent objects to selection. Forum discussion, Pull request #4133.
In the image the Hole001 object was selected and then its
dependencies were added to the selection via the context menu.
Weitere Verbesserungen Benutzeroberfläche
- Es ist jetzt möglich den Dezimaltrenner einzusetzen, der der Sprache der FreeCad-Benutzerschnittstelle entspricht. Z.B. unter einem deutschen Windows: Wird dessen Spracheinstellung auf English gesetzt und die neue Option Use selected language number format ausgewählt, wird der Punkt als Dezimaltrennzeichen eingesetzt. Siehe Voreinstellungen. Pull-Request #6364
Hinweis: Für FEM-Simulationen wird ausdrücklich empfohlen den Punkt als Dezimaltrennzeichen zu verwenden, um richtige Ergebneissen zu erhalten.
- Zwei neue Stile der Mausnavigetion wurden hinzugefügt. Einer basiert auf OpenSCAD, der andere auf TinkerCAD. Forum discussion OpenSCAD, Forum discussion TinkerCAD, commit 1, commit 2, commit 3.
- Es ist jetzt möglich die Ansicht des Abhängigkeitsgraphen mit der Maus zu verschieben. Forum discussion, Pull-Request #4638.
- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem Geräte mit Eingabestiften (z.B. Wacom-Tablet) im Einsatz so langsam arbeiteten, dass sie total unbrauchbar waren. Forum discussion, Pull-Request #4687.
- Die Größe des Koordinatensystems in der 3D-Ansicht kann jetzt in den Voreinstellungen im Abschnitt Anzeige → 3D-Ansicht angepasst werden. Pull-Request #5182
- Einen neue Einstellung unterEinstellungen → Allgemein ermöglicht, das Dezimaltrennzeichen des Ziffernblocks mit dem ortsüblichen zu ersetzen, wenn sie unterschiedlich sind. Pull-Request #3256 Pull-Request #5150 Pull-Request 5203
- Es ist jetzt möglich, die Rückschritt-Taste (Backspace) als eigenständiges Tastaturkürzel einzustellen, ohne dass eine weitere Modifizierungstaste angegeben werden muss. Pull-Request #5428
Kernsystem und API
When using Edit → Copy or Edit → Duplicate selection for an object with dependencies there is a new Use Original Selections button in the object selection dialog. Click this button to copy/duplicate only the objects you originally selected prior to opening the dialog, ignoring dependencies and ignoring any actions you might have taken while the dialog was open, such as checking or unchecking some of the checkboxes. The effect is the same as if you had unchecked all the checkboxes next to the objects you did not originally select and pressed OK. Note: special care should be taken when copying/duplicating TechDraw Pages. It is recommended to also copy/duplicate all children of the Page (Templates, Views, Dimensions, etc.). Otherwise changes to one Page will also impact the other page. For example, deleting a View on one Page also removes it from the other Page, or deleting a page will also remove all its content from the other Page.
A new type of add-on called a Preference Pack was added, allowing a subset of a user preferences file (user.cfg) to be saved, distributed, and easily applied by other users. Preference Packs can be use to distribute "Themes," for example, by allowing a developer to include both a Qt stylesheet for widgets as well as a set of other colors and styles for items in the user interface that cannot be set using a stylesheet (e.g. text colors in the Python editor or report view, etc.). Anything that can be configured via a user.cfg file can be set using a Preference Pack. Forum discussion
The "Workbenches" preference panel was modified to support the ability to "autoload" workbenches on FreeCAD startup.
On Linux, the default location of FreeCAD's configuration, data and cache files was changed to follow the XDG Base Directory Specification. Forum discussion. Here is a comparison of the old and new locations:
Old location
New location
Defaults to
Configuration files
Data files
Cache files
If you wish to keep using the old locations you may start FreeCAD with the --keep-deprecated-paths
FreeCAD received many new Python API functions:
New Python API
- ChFi2d_AnaFilletAlgoPy: An analytical algorithm for the calculation of fillets. commit f94ab3ec
- ChFi2d_ChamferAPIPy: Algorithm that creates a chamfer between two linear edges. commit 30f8015e7
- Circle2dPy::getCircleCenter: Gets the circle center defined by three points. commit 3dc91fa2
- ComplexGeoDataPy::applyRotation: Applies an additional rotation to the placement. commit 32592de8
- ComplexGeoDataPy::applyTranslation: Applies an additional translation to the placement. commit 32592de8
- ComplexGeoDataPy::countSubElements: Returns the number of elements of a type. commit 32592de8
- ComplexGeoDataPy::getElementTypes: Returns a list of element types. commit 32592de8
- ComplexGeoDataPy::getFaces: Returns a tuple of points and triangles with a given accuracy. commit 32592de8
- ComplexGeoDataPy::getLines: Returns a tuple of points and lines with a given accuracy. commit 32592de8
- ComplexGeoDataPy::getLinesFromSubelement: Returns vertexes and lines from a sub-element. commit 32592de8
- ComplexGeoDataPy::getPoints: Returns a tuple of points and normals with a given accuracy. commit 32592de8
- ComplexGeoDataPy::transformGeometry: Applies a transformation to the underlying geometry. commit 32592de8
- DocumentPy::clearDocument: Clears the whole document. commit 526dc1a0
- DocumentPy::getFileName: For a regular document it returns its file name property. For a temporary document it returns its transient directory. commit 526dc1a0
- DocumentPy::getProgramVersion: Gets the program version that a project file was created with. commit 526dc1a0
- DocumentPy::isClosable: Checks if the document can be closed. commit 526dc1a0
- DocumentPy::isSaved: Checks if the document is saved. commit 526dc1a0
- DocumentPy::isTouched: Checks if any object is in touched state. commit 526dc1a0
- DocumentPy::mustExecute: Checks if any object must be recomputed. commit 526dc1a0
- DocumentPy::purgeTouched: Purges the touched state of all objects. commit 526dc1a0
- DocumentPy::setClosable: Sets a flag that allows or forbids to close a document. commit 526dc1a0
- HLRBRep_AlgoPy: To access Part's hidden line removal (HLR). commit 73a98671
- HLRBRep_PolyAlgoPy: To access Part's poly hidden line removal (HLR). commit ea85cf5e
- HLRToShapePy: To access Part's hidden line removal (HLR). commit 73a98671
- PolyHLRToShapePy: To access Part's poly hidden line removal (HLR). commit ea85cf5e
- PrecisionPy: To access the precision defined by the OpenCascade kernel. commit 20b86e55
- PropertyContainerPy::setDocumentationOfProperty: Sets the documentation string of a dynamic property of this class. commit 8cf3cf33
- PropertyContainerPy::setGroupOfProperty: Set the name of the group of a dynamic property. commit 8cf3cf33
- PythonWorkbenchPy::reloadActive: Reload the active workbench after changing menus or toolbars. commit 0bbc253d
- RotationPy::fromEuler: Sets the Euler angles of a rotation or gets the Euler angles in a given sequence for a rotation. commit 951a0be9
- RotationPy::toEulerAngles: Gets the Euler angles in a given sequence for this rotation.. commit c1454dfb
- UnitsApi::sToNumber: Converts a quantity or float to a string. commit befbd95d
- View3DInventorPy::getCornerCrossSize: Returns current corner axis cross size. commit 9d15df29
- View3DInventorPy::setPopupMenuEnabled: Enables popup menu. commit 9def811a
- View3DInventorPy::isCornerCrossVisible: Returns current corner axis cross visibility. commit 9d15df29
- View3DInventorPy::isPopupMenuEnabled: Returns if popup menu is enabled. commit 9def811a
- View3DInventorPy::projectPointToLine: Projects the given 2d point to a line. commit b6527a70
- View3DInventorPy::setCornerCrossSize: Defines corner axis cross size. commit 9d15df29
- View3DInventorPy::setCornerCrossVisible: Defines corner axis cross visibility. commit 9d15df29
Changed Python API
- MeshObject::trim(base, normal) was changed to MeshPy::trimByPlane(base, normal): Trims the mesh with a given plane. commit 837de28e
The Addon Manager was modified to support the distribution of Preference Packs, and to display information found in an addon's metadata. The Addon Manager also includes improved support for Addons whose source code is located at several different git hosting locations. Networking support was improved to provide more robust handling of SSL connections and support for proxies requiring authentication. Support was added for automatically adding macro buttons to the toolbar after installing, for disabling Addons without removing them, and for switching which git branch of an Addon is checked out. Finally, the user interface was modified to improve searching and display of different list filters.
Arbeitsbereich Architektur
New properties for Arch Structure objects:
- BasePerpendicularToTool: it creates a copy of the Base (extrusion profile) at the beginning of the Tool (extrusion path) and places it perpendicular to the first edge of the tool. It is the same as attaching the Base with MapMode=NormalToEdge, but it is automatic and allows to reuse the same Base object for multiple Structures. When BasePerpendicularToTool = True, more properties control the placement of the Base relative to the Tool axis. They are shown in the attached image.
- ToolOffsetFirst and ToolOffsetLast: extend/trim the Structure at the start and end respectively (the real length of the Structure is available in the ComputedLength read-only property).
- BaseRotation: rotate the Base (the rotation is around the Base's "(0,0)" point which is the center for Arch Profiles, the origin for Sketches and usually the first point for Draft Wires).
- BaseOffsetX and BaseOffsetY: move the Base (extrusion profile).
- BaseMirror: mirror the Base (extrusion profile).
A new command Create multiple Arch Structure was also added. It uses the first selected object as a Base, and creates Arch Structures objects for every Edge of the other selected objects. Then, the properties of individual Structure objects can be adjusted in the Property editor. This command was added for workflow with a master Sketch (there is risk of topological naming problem unless you create non-parametric copy of the master Sketch or use Realthunder's version).
Support for 2D data such as linework, hatches, texts and dimensions is now enabled in IFC import and export, which contributes to making the IFC format more and more suitable for traditional 2D CAD work. A similar effort is being made in BlenderBIM. More 2D workflow improvements are documented in this forum thread.
Forum discussion, Pull request #3229
Arbeitsbereich Entwurf
- A Global checkbox was added to the task panel of many drafting commands. Checking it allows input of coordinates in the global coordinate system even if the working plane is not aligned with the global XY plane.
- The
Draft Hatch command was introduced. It creates hatches on the faces of a selected object using patterns from AutoCAD PAT files.
- Work on the
Draft SetStyle command, still in progress in FreeCAD version 0.19, was completed.
- A double-click edit option was added for
Draft Texts. It opens the same edit task panel used when creating a text.
- For
Draft Dimensions the arch
AnsichtUnit Override for imperial architectural dimensions was introduced.
Draft Shape2DView objects now have an DatenAuto Update property. Setting it to false
can be useful if there are many Draft Shape2DViews in a document or if they are complex.
Weitere Entwurf Verbesserungen
Arbeitsbereich FEM
![](../File/FEM_Z88-settings_relnotes_0.20.png) Die neuen Z88-Einstellungen und ihre Standardwerte
Der Gleichungslöser Z88 ist jetzt voll einsetzbar. Die Berechnungsmethode und die Speichereinstellungen können angepasst werden. Die neuen Standardwerte ermöglichen, auch komplexe Simulationen direkt auszuführen.
commit d035bbc1ca and following
![](../File/FEM_buckling-analysis_relnotes_0.20.gif) Ergebnisse einer linearen Analyse auf Knicken. Das Blid anklicken, um die Animation anzusehen.
Es ist jetzt möglich, Knickanalysen unter Verwendung des Gleichungslösers Calculix auszuführen. Pull-Request #4379
Wirkung von Netzweite von Krümmung; links: auf 12 gesetzt, rechts: deaktiviert
Es gibt eine neue Eigenschaft für den Gmsh Vernetzer. Die Anzahl der Netzelemente pro mal dem Radius der Krümmung kann angegeben werden. Der Standardwert ist 12. Um ein feineres Netz an kleinen Ecken oder Löchern zu erhalten, kann dieser Wert erhöht werden, um bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Diese Funktion erfordert Gmsh 4.8 oder eine neuere Version.
Forumsdiskussion, Pull-Request #4596
Auswirkung des recombination Algorithmus; links: mit Simple, rechts: mit Simple full-quad
FreeCAD erlaubt jetzt die Auswahl eines Algorithmus sowie die 3D-Netzrekombination für den Gleichungslöser Gmsh. Für weitere Details über die Rekombination von Netzelementen siehe FEM NetzGmshAusForm.
Pull-Request #4706
Weitere FEM Verbesserungen
- Important: Starting from this release, FreeCAD will use SI units (m, kg, s, K, A, mol, cd) to write the Elmer solver input files (case.sif and mesh.nodes). This is independent of the used FreeCAD unit system.
- Important: Starting from this release, the scale of result pipelines and their filters will use SI units (m, kg, s, K, A, mol, cd). So the displacement is given in meter, the stress in Pascal. This applies to all SI-derived FreeCAD unit systems.
- Solving with the Calculix solver now uses all CPU cores. Pull request #6374
- Meshing with Gmsh now uses all CPU cores. Pull request #6370
- The element order of Gmsh meshes can be changed via the mesh dialog. Pull request #4660
- The Data at point clip result filter is now actually working: One gets info from result meshes by clicking into them or by specifying a mesh coordinate.
- A new constraint was added: Model → Mechanical Constraints →
Constraint Centrif. Pull request #4738
- A new solver was added: Solve →
Solver Mystran. Multiple commits.
- A new constraint was added: Model → Mechanical Constraints →
Constraint Spring. Pull request #4982
- It is now possible to have result pipelines with several filters, where some take other filters as input, and some take the results directly from the pipeline. commit 708a300b
- Material cards can now contain values for the electrical conductivity. Pull request #4647
- Material cards added for Nitrogen and Argon. Pull request #4649
- Support for the Gmsh mesh algorithms "HXT" (3D) and "Packing Parallelograms" (2D) added. Pull request #4654
- Allow to specify an algorithm for the Gmsh property "High Order Optimize". Pull request #4705
- Nonlinear solid materials with simple hardening can now have an arbitrary number of yield points. Pull request #5024
- Allow modal adding/removal of geometric entities to constraints acting on boundaries. Pull request #5117
- Most FEM constraint dialogs now behave uniformly and provide the same 3D object selection features. Pull request #5391
Improved support for NASTRAN GRID elements
The Mesh import tool now supports the high-precision "GRID*" element. The standard-precision "GRID" element was also improved, now supporting both space-delimited numeric input as well as fixed-field-width input, per the NASTRAN95 format documentation.
Weitere Polygonnetz Verbesserungen
Fixed false negatives during self-intersection tests when facets are coplanar: Pull request #5002.
OpenSCAD Arbeitsbereich
Interoperability with OpenSCAD has been improved, adding support for several operations missing from earlier versions (linear extrude with rotations, rotational extrusions). Several operations are modified to provide improved FreeCAD object equivalents, particularly for twisted extrusions. Surface generation from discrete data was modified to give more OpenSCAD-like results, rather than splined surfaces.
New options were added to support running either FreeCAD, OpenSCAD, or both, in sandboxed environments such as AppImages and Snap packages: data can now be transferred to and from OpenSCAD via the standard temporary directory mechanism, via a user-specified temp directory that both executables have access to, or new to OpenSCAD 2021.1, via a "stdout pipe" mechanism, bypassing temporary files entirely.
The following options were added to the task panel of the Add OpenSCAD element feature:
Load - load a scad file
Save - save a scad file
Refresh - Update FreeCAD view
Clear - Clear text input
A new text box gives feedback about OpenSCAD errors.
Arbeitsbereich Formteil
![](../File/Part_Extrusion-inner-structures_relnotes_0.20.png) Tapered extrusion of a sketch with an inner structure.
A tapered extrusion of inner structures now creates usable results. Previously, inner structures were extruded as if they were stand-alone and not part of a structure.
Pull request #5367
Weitere Formteil Verbesserungen
- The dialog to edit Cylinders now allows to specify an angle relative to the normal of the chosen attachment plane. This way one can create skew cylinders. Pull request #4708
- The Face Colors tool now also allows to set the transparency (Alpha channel) of faces. This transparency can be exported, making e.g. STEP files with transparent parts possible.
- The following commands now support App::Links: Loft, Sweep, Extrude, Revolve, Reverse shapes, Mirror, Offset2D, Offset3D, Check Geometry, Ruled Surface, Cross-sections, and Thickness. Pull request #6478
Arbeitsbereich PartDesign
![](../File/PD_Pad-Length-along-reference_relnotes_0.20.gif) Padding along an edge from the model. Click on the image to see the animation.
There is a new option to Pad along the direction of an edge in the 3D model.
Pull request #4685
When Distance and Angle is specified in the Chamfer tool and faces are selected, the distance will be applied along the selected faces. Likewise if two distances are specified then Size 1 will be applied along the selected face.
This behaviour can be swapped to the other face using the flip direction button.
Forum discussion, Pull request #5039
![](../File/PartDesign_Loft_Vertex_relnotes_0.20.png) A loft with multiple sections, the final one is a vertex.
It is now possible to create an Additive or Subtractive Loft, or an Additive or Subtractive Pipe towards, or from, a Vertex of either a sketch or a body. This allows to create pyramids for example. Note: Vertices in sketches are created as construction geometry. To use them as endpoints of lofts, you must first change them to normal geometry.
Pull request #5170 (for lofts), Pull request #5193 (for pipes)
![](../File/PD_Pad-Taper-angle_relnotes_0.20.png) A tapered pocket within a non-tapered pad.
The dialog for Pad and Pocket offers to set a taper angle for the extrusion.
Pull request #5357
![](../File/PD_Pocket-direction_relnotes_0.20.gif) Pocketing along different directions. Click on the image to see the animation.
It is now possible to specify the direction for the Pocket extrusion.
Pull request #5164
The dialog to edit Cylinders (additive and subtractive) now allows to specify an angle relative to the normal of the chosen attachment plane. This way one can create skew cylinders. Pull request #4708
The Helix feature has the new mode Height-Turns-Growth to create flat spirals.
Forum thread Pull request #4590
![](../File/PartDesign_Islands-Extrude_relnotes_0.20.png) A single Pad and a single Revolution with nested profiles. The base block is only there to ensure that the part is a single solid.
All PartDesign features that can extrude sketches can now handle sketches with nested profiles that form islands. For example it is possible to Revolve a sketch consisting of 3 nested circles with the same center point. Note: Extruding nested profiles only works if the result is still a single body.
Pull request #6381
![](../File/PD_Pad-Length-alog-direction_relnotes_0.20.gif) Effect of the new option Length along sketch normal. Click on the image to see the animation.
There is a new option to Pad a certain length along the direction. The length is either measured along the sketch normal or along the custom direction.
Forum discussion, Pull request #3893
The Hole feature can now model true threads.
Forum thread Pull request #4274
Weitere PartDesign Verbesserungen
Arbeitsbereich Pfad
Plot module
- FreeCAD now provides the Plot module by default, so any other module/workbench may create plots without requiring external tools Pull request #4971.
Arbeitsbereich Skizzierer
Weitere Skizzierer Verbesserungen
- Überarbeitete Auswahl von Beschnittkanten. Pull-Request #4330 Forumsdiskussion
- Das Verhalten des Werkzeugs
Nut wurde geändert. Die Geometrie kann jetzt durch festlegen der Mittelpunkte beider Halbkreise erstellt werden. Pull-Request Forumsdiskussion
- Die Automatisierung der Sichtbarkeit ermöglicht den Sketcher mit aktivierter Funktion Schnitt anzeigen zu öffnen, wenn in den Bearbeitungsmodus gewechselt wird. Pull-Request #4742 Forumsdiskussion
- Die Automatisierung der Sichtbarkeit ermöglicht die Kamera auf Orthogonale Ansicht umzuschalten, wenn in den Bearbeitungsmodus gewechselt wird. Pull-Request #4778 Forumsdiskussion
- Option zur Anzeige des Namens einer maßeichen Randbedingung und zur Verwendung eines eigenen Formats dafür. Pull-Request #4966 Forumsdiskussion
- Beim Skizzieren mit Kreisbogen durch 3 Punkte erstellen und aktivierten Automatische Randbedingungen, wird für alle 3 Punkte Tangential festlegen vorgeschlagen, wenn der Mauszeiger über einer Linie bzw. Kurve schwebt. Pull-Request #4945 Forumsdiskussion
- Radius- und Durchmesserangaben werden leicht gedreht angezeigt, um die Sichtbarkeit zu verbessern. Der Anwender kann den Winkel vorgeben oder wahlweise einstellen, dass ein zufälliger Winkel verwendet wird. Unter Feinabstimmung sind die erforderlichen Parameter dokumentiert. Pull-Request #4934 Forumsdiskussion
- Es ist jetzt möglich, den Richtungswinkel festzulegen, wenn das Werkzeug Rechteckige Anordnung eingesetzt wird. commitc9eaa239 Forumsdiskussion
- Es ist jetzt möglich, den Richtungswinkel festzulegen, wenn die Werkzeuge Klonen, Kopieren und Verschieben eingesetzt werden. commit Forumsdiskussion
- Mit einem Rechtsklick in die Baumansicht kann jetzt die Menüoption "Anhang-Editor" im Kontextmenü ausgewählt werden, das den Dialog Anhang öffnet, um die Befestigung zu bearbeiten. commit c3511ba2f0
- Die Auswahl von Randbedingungen ist deaktiviert, während ein Werkzeug zur Erstellung von Geometrien oder eines zum Erstellen von Randbedingungen eingesetzt wird. Sie kann auch jeder Zeit manuell deaktiviert werden, indem die Shift-Taste gedrückt wird. Pull-Request #5398 Forumsdiskussion
- Ein vielseitiger Filter wurde der Aufgaben-Tafel des Sketchers hinzugefügt, um die Sichtbarkeitssteuerung von Randbedingungen zu erleichtern. Forumsdiskussion
- Es ist jetzt möglich, zum Zeitpunkt der Erstellung, den Grad eines B-Splines einzustellen (Pull request #6463) und den zuletzt festgelegten Kontrollpunkt zurückzunehmen (Pull-Request #6476).
- Die vorgegebenen Tastaturkürzel wurden überprüft und angepasst, um widersprüchliche zu entfernen und die anderen einprägsamer anzulegen. Forumsdiskussion; Bildschirmfotos der Tastaturkürzel für Randbedingungen, Geometrie und verschiedene Werkzeuge
Arbeitsbereich Tabellenkalkulation
Weitere Verbesserungen Tabellenkalkulation
- In the row/column context-menu it is now possible to specify the position when inserting rows/columns. Pull request #4704.
- Import XLSX (used by Std Import): Added support for floor and ceil functions. Pull request #5015.
- Improved navigation using the Tab and Enter keys.
- Improved interface for cutting and pasting blocks of cells.
Arbeitsbereich TechDraw
More than 30 new tools, so-called Extensions, are now available. They offer new cosmetic features to enhance drawings.
Weitere TechDraw Verbesserungen
- It is now possible to Share and Move Views between pages.
- When there are several Pages and a View, ProjectionGroup etc. is added, there is now a dialog to ask to what page the view should be added. Pull request #5309.
- A new format specifier %w was added to print the given number of digits after dot and remove any trailing zeros. Pull request #5401.
- The new %w format specifier is now the default. And the format specifier preference was moved from the Advanced tab to the Dimension tab. Pull request #6504.
- Flipped diagonal hatch was added for the Geometric Hatch tool. Pull request #6429.
- There is a new option to show a grid in a page. Several related preferences have been introduced. Pull request #6465.
- The unit display in dimensions was fixed according to standards. The degree symbol is always present for the dimension value and tolerances, other units only appear if ShowUnits is set. The unit appears immediately after the dimension value unless there is a tolerance, then it appears after the tolerance. Pull request #6581
Qt WebEngine is now considered the default option instead of Qt WebKit.
Externe Arbeitsbereiche
Note: these are the new workbenches created in this development cycle, or older workbenches that received updates. See external workbenches for more workbenches that can be installed, and which cover a wide variety of topics. If you want to see your workbench added, join the forum and present your code.
Several features to view, inspect and edit existing constraints were added. One can now e.g. highlight constraints with a label, suppress a constraint temporarily or run the solver only for a particular constraint.
For more information see the constraint handling description.
The Assembly3 Workbench is available (as of March 2022) through the AddonManager. This makes for easy installation and management of the external dependencies of the workbench.
Assembly3 is used to create assemblies of different bodies contained in a single file or in multiple documents leveraging the full power of FreeCAD’s Link system. Learn more about Links in this video presentation from Realthunder.
Assembly3 Workbench uses SolveSpace as it’s solver.
Extensive documentation can be found at the main FreeCAD Assembly3 wiki page or Realthunder's GitHub Assembly3 wiki
Main features:
- Dynamic/interactive solver: move parts with the mouse while the solver constrains the motion.
- Links: use one single part multiple times in an assembly.
- External links: allows usage of parts from external documents.
- Hierarchical assemblies: permits the creation of sub assemblies.
- Assembly freeze: assemblies that are not required to remain dynamic can be excluded from calculations and are considered fixed geometry by the asm3 solver.
- And much more.
![](../File/A4_veriant-beam_relnotes_0.20.png) Different length of a beam as variant.
New feature to add variants. These are links to a part with varying parameters, meaning that you can insert the same part several times, and adjust the parameters of each instance. For more info see this forum thread.
![](../File/A4_veriant-animation_relnotes_0.20.gif) An animated assembly. Click on the image to see the animation.
Animations can be exported to the MP4 and GIF format.
The FCGear Workbench received a couple of improvements:
- For involute gears, the outside (aka tip) and root diameter are exposed as properties (details).
- Gear objects are now attachable (details).
- Gear objects can now be used as additive features in PartDesign Bodies (details).
- The creation of gear objects now appears in the undo stack (details).
- The Plot module has been stripped from the Plot Workbench since it is now provided by FreeCAD.
The Ship Workbench is back to life!
Since this release FreeCAD can only be compiled using Qt 5.x and Python 3.x. The lowest supported Python version is 3.6.9 according to this forum thread.
Zum Kompilieren von FreeCAD siehe die Anleitungen für Windows, Linux und MacOS.
Die unterstützten Betriebssysteme sind:
- Windows 7, 8, 10 und 11
- Linux Ubuntu Bionic Beaver (18.04) and Focal Fossa (20.04)
- MacOS: 10.12 Sierra oder neuer
Bekannte Einschränkungen
Seit FreeCAD 0.19 wird 32bit Windows nicht mehr offiziell unterstützt. FreeCAD kann auf solchen Systemen funktionieren, es wird aber keine Hilfestellung (mehr) dazu geben.
Remote-Desktop unter Windows
Abhängig von den OpenGL-Grafik-Fähigkeiten eines Rechners kann es vorkommen, dass FreeCAD abstürzt, wenn man es über Remote-Desktop ausführt. Dies lässt sich durch Aktualisieren des OpenGL-Treibers beheben.
Nur wenn das nicht hilft:
- Diese OpenGL-Bibliothek für 64bit-Windows herunterladen und extrahieren.
- Die DLL-Datei zu opengl32sw.dll umbenennen und in das Unterverzeichnis bin in FreeCADs Installationsverzeichnis kopieren (die dort existierende DLL überschreiben).
MacOS: Arbeitsbereich Start zeigt eine leere Seite
Zeigt der Arbeitsbereich Start nur eine leere Seite, muss die Einstellung Software OpenGL verwenden im Menü Edit → Einstellungen → Anzeige aktiviert werden.